Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tis the Season...For Coughs and Colds

The holidays can bring longer hours, more stress and lots of good cheer.  The time between Thanksgiving and New Year's can be the most hectic time of the year.  When you mix more calls for service, holiday parties, family get-togethers and life in general, you begin to burn the candle at both ends.

Just as your professional and personal life are becoming chaotic, cold and flu season rears its ugly head.  Since you are likely to be with more people than usual, your vulnerability to catching a cold is heightened.  Here are a few tips to help keep you well through the holidays and beyond. 

1.  Though it may seem obvious, eating well and drinking plenty of water is a great way to stay healthy.  Only drink caffeine, soda and alcohol in moderation.

2.  Wash your hands!!!!  Yes, your mother was right.  Frequent hand washing with warm water and soap, especially before meals and after blowing your nose is scientifically-proven the most effective way to stay well.  Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in your truck and/or bag for times you are not near a sink.

3. Get enough sleep.  The average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep each night.  This allows the body to recover from the day and recharge for the next.  It gives the immune system time to fight any nasty bacteria or viruses you encountered throughout the day.

4.  Get a physical.  Routine check-ups with your primary care provider will help you maintain your health.  Any chronic conditions can be monitored and managed and new conditions can be diagnosed before they become an issue.

Your health is important to you, your family and your business.  Go wash your hands and grab a bottle of water!

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